italian night

promotional stop motion video

Laknienia is coming...

First video of the promotional video serie from Antía González Álvarez, Katherine Ticlla, and Ne Rodriguez for the Youth Theatre Festival Laknienia ("hunger"), organized by the polish theatre Teatr Brama.

Laknienia 3...2...1...

Second video of the promotional video serie from Antía González Álvarez, Katherine Ticlla, and Ne Rodriguez for the Youth Theatre Festival Laknienia ("hunger"), organized by the polish theatre Teatr Brama.

Laknienia is coming!

Third video of the promotional video serie from Antía González Álvarez, Katherine Ticlla, and Ne Rodriguez for the Youth Theatre Festival Laknienia ("hunger"), organized by the polish theatre Teatr Brama.

Laknienia test 1

Test video of the promotional video series from Katherine Ticlla and Ne Rodriguez for the Youth Theatre Festival Laknienia ("hunger"), organized by the Polish theatre Teatr Brama.

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